How to Create an ADA Compliant Website – A Checklist

No two persons are alike; neither would their faculties be similar. In this diverse world that we live in, how can a website come up trumps and stay inclusive? Roll the drums for ADA-compliant websites! The ADA was signed into law on July 26, 1990 when George H W Bush served as President. In the US, the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] requires particular businesses to be open and accessible to those who have disabilities that affect hearing, vision and even physical capacities.

“Before God, we are all equally wise, and equally foolish.” – Albert Einstein

ADA Compliant

Whom does ADA apply to?

Businesses that fall under the following parameters need to adhere to ADA compliance.

  1. A firm with 15+ employees
  2. Public services at State and Local government levels
  3. Businesses that operate towards the benefit of Public and Non-profits
  4. Places of Public accommodation and Commercial facilities
  5. Telecommunications for people who have hearing or speech impairments through telecommunications relay services 

Is your client’s website ADA-compliant?

Go through our list below to know if the website ticks all the right boxes away.
Source: nmgtechnologies

  • Every image, video file, audio file and plug-in, needs to have an alt tag
  • Graphics, especially the complex ones need to be supplemented by detailed text descriptions
  • The alt descriptions must describe the purpose of the objects
  • If there is an image that is also used as a link, the corresponding alt tag has to describe the graphics and the final URL destination
  • Decorative graphics with no other function must have empty alt descriptions (alt=””)
  • Videos must mandatorily run with captions
  • With added audio descriptions
  • Text transcripts to be created
  • Video links to be created to the video which way works better than embedding into web pages
  • Add a link to the media player download
  • Plus an additional link to the text transcript
  • Each web page must provide alternative links to the image map
  • The tags need to contain an alt attribute
  • Data tables to have the column and row headers appropriately identified (using the tag)
  • Tables used in layout purposes do not have header rows or columns
  • Table cells need to be associated with the fitting headers
  • The web page must not contain repeatedly flashing images
  • Pages must not contain a strobe effect
  • A link necessarily needs to be provided to a disability- accessible page where the plug-in can be downloaded
  • All Java applets, scripts and plug-ins and the content within them are accessible to assistive technologies, or else an alternative means of accessing equivalent content is warranted
  • When form controls are text input fields use the LABEL element
  • When text is not available, use the title attribute
  • Include any special instructions within field labels
  • For easy navigation, ensure that form fields are in a logical tab order
  • Include a ‘Skip Navigation’ button to help those using text readers

Remember that if your website has all the above-mentioned guidelines; it would automatically be sticking to ADA compliance. Additionally, remember to add a feedback form at the end to get a ringside view of your users. Perfect as your site can get, you know what they mean when they say ‘learning never stops’. Does your website adhere to ADA compliance? Drop your comment below.  

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