How to Find the Right Company to Outsource your Data Entry Services

Firms & enterprises often consider data entry to be an uphill task. And rightly so. The man-hours that can be spent on creating a new product or a service or even pitching for a new client are needlessly spent on something as basic as data entry. Should data entry be done? Without a doubt! Can data entry be avoided? Same answer as the previous one! 

Data Entry

Steven Covey stresses upon the well-known fact that there are just two roles in any organization – internal and external. Or as Neil Patel puts it best, “Your time is valuable and should be spent on things that will drive the most ROI.” So when there’s a dearth of resources in-house to do simple, yet compulsory tasks, look beyond and reach out to trusted vendor-partners. But how do you find the right company to outsource your data entry requirements? These simple points below could be a good starting point.

  1. Check on the TAT – Time means money and in business, there’s no higher truth than that statement. The turn around time has to be one of the most deciding factors for any company. Keep your ear to the ground as you search for your data entry service provider who can adhere to quick turn-around times.

  2. Data Security – Investigate the track record of the company and the processes that they employ for security of data. For, remember that your data will be passing multiple hands or teams and it’s wise to be doubly sure and careful. Check on CCTV

  3. Accuracy – Okay, consider this. You’re close to signing the deal with a firm that has commendable TAT and data security. But good TAT doesn’t necessarily need to translate to precision. The whole reason that companies outsource data entry services is to get accurate data that doesn’t require a recheck in any manner.

  4. Client Testimonials – What do their clients have to say? If you’re looking at a long-term association with the data entry services provider, look for the feedback given by their former clients. A good vendor should have a great track record.

  5. Cost – Yes, finally the prices for the services that they offer. To ensure a good ROI, any business or an enterprise needs to find prices that they would be comfortable with. Start outsourcing smaller orders to trusted vendors and once you’re agreeable with the output and delivery times, look at scaling. This way, you won’t compromise on pricing or quality.

In a short period of time, Riant Data has been the preferred data entry services partner for small, medium and large clients. Since 2017, we have had repeat orders and client referrals that vouch for our service and accountability. Riant Data provides quick and accurate data entry services and assures 99.95% (Character level) quality for our services. A few of our services include but are not limited to Forms processing, Questionnaires, Directories, File conversions and Data extraction from the web. Looking to know more? Reach out to us and let’s get started!  

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